14 Day Retreat

1 - 14 Sep 2024
Håå Retreat Center
Full price
1 122 €


898 €
898 €
898 €
Ages 25 or younger
561 €
EUR prices may change based on current exchange rates. Payments are processed in SEK.

A retreat at Haa Retreat Center is a unique experience with specific conditions.

It is very important that you read all of the pages below before enrolling, so that you know what we teach, and do not expect to come for an ordinary "holiday course", or expect the retreat to be similar to anything you have experienced before.

Note especially these three conditions:

  • All classes and karma yoga periods are mandatory
  • Mobile phones, computers, and similar devices may not be used during the retreat
  • Full silence is kept during silent periods of the retreat

We reserve the right to dismiss, at any time during the retreat, any student who fails to adhere to these conditions or otherwise disturbs the retreat process.
We do not provide refunds after the start of the retreat for any reason.

Changes to our discounts as of September 1, 2024:
- Ages 25 or younger: 20% discount
- Students, Unemployed, Retired: 10% discount
Our old discount rates will remain available for anyone who signs up before September 1.


Vasistha Jyoti

Vasistha Jyoti

Vasistha Jyoti was born in Sri Lanka and raised in Scotland. Having practised meditation from a young age and experiencing some benefits, he had a keen interest in continuing the quest to discover himself. Yoga became a part of his everyday life and when he heard about the in-depth training you can get at Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School, he turned his sights towards the three month course. A year later Vasistha Jyoti came back to live at the ashram of Haa Retreat Center and be part of the yoga teacher training. He now teaches yoga and meditation in Scotland.

Viveka Shakti

Viveka Shakti

Viveka Shakti is from Stockholm. After many years working in academia, she felt the need to explore her spiritual side. At Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School in Stockholm, she found the authentic yoga practice she was looking for. This inspired her to participate in the 3-month retreat at Håå Retreat Center.

The energy and harmony that she experienced from the yoga, made her want to spend more time at the center, and she participated on more retreats, both as a student and as a volunteer, for three years. Viveka Shakti then moved in to the ashram and started her yoga teacher training; both to deepen her own self-knowledge and also to pass on yoga and its benefits to others.
