The Chakra Retreat Weekend


The Chakra Weekend is an in-depth retreat where we emphasize contacting and experiencing the chakras, through mudra and bandha (energy-attitudes and -locks), kirtan (chanting mantras), asana (yoga poses), pranayama (breathing exercises), the deep relaxation Yoga Nidra, meditations from the tantric tradition and mauna (silence).

You can participate in the Chakra Retreat

a) if you have been on a retreat at Haa Retreat Center before.

- or

b) if you have been on a yoga and meditation course at one of the courses of Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation Schools in town and you have learned the psychic breath and the meditation The Source of Energy (Vishuddhi Shuddhi).

”Behind everything we experience, there is psychic energy. How you perceive it depends on your preconceptions, wishes and problems, that is, on your background and character.
If a chakra is being charged, at first you may not experience it as pure energy, but associate it with thoughts bound in the subconscious or as a tense state; or as some do, you may make the mistake of blaming others for good or bad vibrations. The realization that such a conclusion was your mind attempting to avoid the intense experience of awareness and energy will give you detachment and relaxation.”

(Swami Janakananda)

The schedule is intensive; 15 hours of teaching in eight sessions. Saturday and Sunday before noon there is 1½ hour of Karma yoga.

In your free time in the afternoons, you may enjoy the surrounding nature, forest and lake – or a rest in the pyramid.

The course starts Friday at 5.30 pm and ends Sunday at 4.30 pm. The Chakra weekend is a process and, therefore, it is important that you can participate from the first to the last minute.

You are welcome to participate in the intestinal cleansing that we have Friday morning. Reduced price for the Chakra weekend participants.

Vegetarian/vegan food and accommodation are included in the course fee.

Do not persuade others to come with you on the course, not even your partner, unless they themselves are completely motivated to participate. Come for your own sake.

Please read all the information about the retreats at Haa Retreat Center at our webpage before you enroll. Even though we mainly describe the longer courses the conditions are the same for a weekend retreat.

Retreat Schedule - Dates, Prices and Teachers